Jim's Corner of the Internet

The Communist Reintroduction

The new whips have been cracked and it seems like harder than anyone could’ve forseen, at least so soon. The Uniparty changed management on the July 4th and in less time than you can even believe the UK’s existing problems have magnified to a scale not before believable to such a short period.

From memory it is hard to quite remember all the events happening up to this point (19th August) as so much has happened it beggars belief.

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Slava Ukraini

The drums sound across the continent, the politicians call for it, and the media echoes the call, they boom their rhythmic sounds.

The Russians, they say, they are coming for us, and they are made from a cloth of evil not seen on this continent for eighty-years. Now they say we must prepare ourselves, after all we are only defending ourselves, our homes, our families, our freedoms. The drums beat, all across Europe debates are being held, debates about whether we should be arming ourselves, more than we already were. Conscription to be brought back from a bygone era, increasing troop presence on the very edges of the continent, men sent miles away from their homes, but trust me (whoever may read this), the voices heard in these debates are not of those who would ever be subject to the consequences of such rhetoric.

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That’s wild bruh…

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Tabler Already Proving Its Worth

About a month ago, I posted about a little program I made that simply finds key values in a “table” file and prints out the values to standard output. (learn more here) Before Tabler existed, I had a little bash script called aliastable basically doing the same thing as Tabler, and it’s reason for existing was to service my NetSearch script. The basic idea for NetSearch is that you type a little shortcut, (i.e. yt) to then have YouTube open in your browser. An easy and quick way to get to the websites you want without leaving the terminal. (Maybe I’ll make a post about this script someday.)

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I’ve created a simple little program that should prove helpful for my scripts.

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New RSS Feed

Just found out Hugo supports RSS as default, thought I’d add an RSS link on the links section.

That’s all.

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Learning C: or how I stopped using C++

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I am a web developer. If you asked a few years ago what kind of developer I would want to be, web developer wouldn’t be my first choice. Don’t get me wrong, I love my job, but my love for minimalism and simplicity makes me die inside a little every time I have to write a Vue component or create a Laravel controller.

As much as I love Vue and Laravel for the tools they provide (and they are great tools for their purpose,) something inside me yearns for a simpler solution, and well, just less.

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Mail server setup at mail.jimscorner.co.uk!

Yes, that’s right, the madman actually did it. I setup a mail server for this site.

And let me tell you, what a fucking pain in the ass that was, and it still isn’t without issue. But for now it’ll do as I’m tired and need sleep. Special thanks to Luke Smith for the script that automagically setups a mail-server stack on your system. (script found here)

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First post

Hello World!

My name is Jim and this is officially the first post on my site.

Creating this site I wanted to aim for a minimalist style with as little bloat as possible without potentially limiting myself in future in case I want to do anything more fancy.

This site was built with Hugo, a static site generator.

I originally was going to use Laravel to create this website as that is the main tool I am used to at work and am most experienced with. But I decided it was way too much for a site like this, plus I’d thought why not try something else for a change?

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