First post

Hello World!

My name is Jim and this is officially the first post on my site.

Creating this site I wanted to aim for a minimalist style with as little bloat as possible without potentially limiting myself in future in case I want to do anything more fancy.

This site was built with Hugo, a static site generator.

I originally was going to use Laravel to create this website as that is the main tool I am used to at work and am most experienced with. But I decided it was way too much for a site like this, plus I’d thought why not try something else for a change?

My second idea was to create a simple little Python site builder that could do basic stuff like layouts and variables, but soon that turned into a bloated nightmare as I realised the requirements were going to be much bigger than initialially expected. I didn’t seem to realise in time however as the program slowly turning into looking like the remains of a decomposed Glaswegian who had fallen in the canals the night prior.

Hugo was my third choice. First thoughts were maybe it was a bit too verbose in features for what I intended to do, but after a bit of an initial struggle figuring the basics I found it wasn’t actually too bad.

The Hugo build system is very fast, written in Go, a compiled language designed at Google by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and the legendary Ken Thompson. Compilation speeds being an issue with both my Laravel and Python attempts.

As well as compilation speed, Hugo compiles the site into a nice small package, and (so far) it doesn’t seem to add any bloat onto the end product, which I like very much.

But enough of that shite.

I hope to use this site to talk about topics that I’m interested in, not out of some narcissistic need for attention but more as a journal for myself, if others wish to view the content aswell then I am happy to have had you here.