Mail server setup at!

Yes, that’s right, the madman actually did it. I setup a mail server for this site.

And let me tell you, what a fucking pain in the ass that was, and it still isn’t without issue. But for now it’ll do as I’m tired and need sleep. Special thanks to Luke Smith for the script that automagically setups a mail-server stack on your system. (script found here)

But anyways, I’ve setup a new contact email address that can be found on the contact page (located in the footer or the links page) using the new email domain, so any tiny amount of emails I’ll get don’t get hidden in the literal tsunami of emails I get on my personal email.

Mail server seems to be working (mostly) right, with one exception, Outlook. For some reason Outlook emails can perfectly send their shite to me, but if I wish to respond I get a bounce saying “Durrr this ip is on our block list” even though my site is hosted on a well known and respected provider. (DigitalOcean)

Now I hear you say, but Jim, Outlook is owned by Microsoft, it can’t be so shit as to not work with your peasant mail server. But you’d be wrong…

Why is it whenever I just want something supposedly simple to just work Microsoft is always in the way to make my life a living, breathing hell.

Thanks Bill Apple.